Do it Your Way! Gee's Bend Quilters in Maine

April 13, 2015  •  Leave a Comment


Since moving to Maine, I've had a great time getting involved in creative projects in my community. One project was helping with planning and facilitating Fiber College of Maine. The featured Artists for 2014 were the famous Quilters from Gee's Bend, Alabama. It turned out to be so much more than anyone expected!!


After spending many months preparing for the arrival of Miss Revil Mosley, Miss China Pettway and Miss Stella Mae Pettway,
we thought we knew what to expect. 


When the ladies stepped into the tent to begin their workshop 

they began to sing. 


Everything stopped.... the crisp autumn air took on a different quality as if charged with spirit. You could see by the expressions of the students, sitting with their sewing machines they were ready for a day of stitching fabrics into quilt tops, they weren’t expecting this!


I’m making a documentary film  about the Gee’s Bend project entitled
"Do It your way."


The film will explore the connections made on the beautiful, rocky coast of Maine. Connections of heart, home, and history, shared by women from two very different worlds.


I already have photos and film taken during the event but to be able to delve deeper to tell the whole story I’lll need to travel to Alabama.


I’m using an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to ask for contributions to fund a 2 week trip from Maine to Gee’s Bend Alabama. My husband Nick (sound engineer) and I will be driving so we can carry cameras, sound equipment and lighting rig with us along with a box of donated fabric for the Quilters. Miss Revil spoke several times about having to get her family out of Jail during cilvil rights protests. We will also be able to visit Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham to get more background information about that time in history.


When the film is finished we’ll have the premiere during this year’s Fiber College in September. I also plan to enter it in film festivals throughout the country. 


In preparation for this project I have already spent a week at Maine Media working with Jack McDonald on writing and developing the documentary. Audio recording equipment has been purchased and I’ve subscribed to Adobe for state-of-the-art film editing software. As a member of several film organizations I’m connecting with other independent film makers and learning about distribution. I’m also writing several grants for the production of the film.


Travel and lodging for the 2 week, 3500 mile trip will cost about $4000.

As you may know, I care for my mother who has dementia. At this point she needs 24 hour care. Now that I live in Maine I don’t have family nearby to pitch in. I’ll need to arrange for Mom to stay with a respite caregiver. This is not covered by any type of insurance so we have to pay out of pocket and costs about $200/day, bringing the total cost of the trip to $6,8000!


It’s really hard for me to ask for help of any kind.
Making this film is one of the most exciting and important things of my life, I would be so grateful if you will consider supporting me in this project. Along with my undying gratitude, I’ve arranged perks as a thank you for your contribution.


Along with my undying gratitude, I’ve arranged perks as a thank you for your contribution.


$10 Thank you! You will get a Shout Out on the "Do it your way!" Face Book Page.


$25 Do it Your way Package You'll receive a "Do it your way!" limited edition film poster and a Thank You Card.


$50 Director's Package You'll receive the limited edition film poster and a free link to download the film when it's finished.


$100 Deluxe Director's Package You'll receive the Director's Package, have your name listed in the credits of the film Plus a limited edition DVD


$250 Special Director's Package You'll receive the Deluxe Director's Package, and invitation to be our honored  guest at the premiere showing, scheduled for September 2015 in Searsport, Maine


$500  Sail Away Director's Package You will receive the Deluxe Director's Package and a full day of Sailing on TAKI TAKI, a 34' Catalina sloop rigged sailing vessel on Beautiful Penobscot Bay in Maine, complete with catered Gourmet lunch and beverages. 


$1000 Associate Producer You will receive the Sail Away Director's Package plus be listed as Associate Producer of the the film.


For more information go to our Indiegogo page


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